Friday, 10 July 2009

The kids are finally home!

After Hurricane Katrina, our company did a lot of work in the gulf coast. Jeff and I made several trips to New Orleans to meet with staff and clients and EAT! During one trip we were walking through the French Quarter and went into a really neat shop that had lots of Tiffany lights and bronze sculptures. Jeff and I both stopped short when we saw a near lifesized sculpture that could have been our children…two girls and a boy sitting on a log. We both loved it, but looked at the price tag and moved on!

A few weeks or maybe months later, there was a delivery at our office. My kids were home! Jeff, who says he is lousy at surprises or gift giving, called the store in New Orleans and had the statue shipped to us. It was the BEST gift and I was COMPLETELY surprised.

The statue was in my office at work while I finished the paperwork to adopt AnnaMaria, lived in Guatemala for two months, moved into our new home and finally moved to a new office.

Today was the day! The kids came home to the farm.

Now the hunt is on for a little Hispanic toddler statue !

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